
Schilling's last game, I WAS THERE!

Hun's boss got extra loge box tickets to see the sox last night. Seats were so good! I actually got to see the pitchers!Although they played Tampla Bay and we are out of the picture for this year's play off, but last night was still a very good game. I had a blast! Our seats were so close, I could see the first base so near!!! Everything was so CLEAR! I didn't have to look at the big screen to know whats going on. Even better we almost had two chances to catch the ball. Well... of couse we didn't, but it was still fun.To add to the excitment. It was Schilling's last game to pitch, he did well!I also saw big Papi! He did a home run, that was so awesome!Well Thats about all I know of the team now a days, but it was fun!

